
You Can’t Afford to Wait

April 11, 2024 | Blog Post

In today’s modern media landscape where information moves quickly, you can’t afford delays in finding out about breaking news that impacts your brand or bottom line. Having the latest information in hand in real-time is vital to respond, correct the record, and shape the coverage as it happens.

Recently, one of BSG’s clients prepared for a federal agency to release a new rule that would have a significant impact on its business. On the day of the release, by way of our advanced tech stack, we were able to alert our client to the announcement almost instantaneously. Had the company relied on the federal agency’s email alert service, they would have waited 40 minutes from when the news actually broke. In those 40 minutes, nearly a dozen publications published stories on the rule, and two different government entities posted press releases in response.

Bullpen Strategy Group has the team and resources to alert our clients to breaking news when it happens.

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